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Speed Up Sitecore Website Performance

 Speed Up Sitecore Website Performance Performance is an essential part of any website. Slow website performance can be frustrating to users, and it can impact the business as well. Faster websites keep visitors on the website and visitors interact for a long time as well as the search engines will rank better faster. Page speed is important for better SEO ranking, lower bounce rate, and higher conversion rates. What is website page load time? Website page load time means how long a website takes to load fully and appear on screen including all content, text, images, and videos. Page speed can be dependent on several factors like file size, website server, inefficient code, third-party integration, caching, etc. Below are a few points that will be helpful to speed website performance: Sitecore Caching Caching is an essential part of a performance. Sitecore uses different types of caching layers like HTML cache, item cache, data cache, and prefetch cache to improve the performance. It i

Sitecore Error: Unhandled exception: "Keyset does not exist"

Sitecore Error: Unhandled exception: "Keyset does not exist"  A few days back, I changed the certificate on the Content Management server, after that, I was not able to login into the Content Management Server. It was throwing the below error: Solution: After some investigation I found that my new certificate which I was using for the Identity server, does not have the permission of the Identity App Pool so I followed the below steps: Enter "mmc" in the run command window. Click on Add/Remove Snap-ins option inside the File menu. Select Certificates and click on Add button, then select Computer account and click on Next->Finish->Ok Go to the Personal-> Certificates. Now right-click on the Identity server certificate, then click All Tasks-> Manage Private Keys. Click on Add button and add IIS App Pool\Identity.XXX permission. Click on Check Name, and give read access. I hope it will work for you. Happy coding :)

Sitecore: windows could not start the service on Local Computer

Sitecore: windows could not start the service on the Local Computer I recently faced a problem where I was not able to start Sitecore services, it was throwing an error: Error 5: Access is denied. I thought it is because my user does not have administrative access as I was working on VM but later client confirmed that I have admin rights. I also tried to give permission to the folder where the service exists but still, it was throwing the same error. Solution: After some research I found the below solution: Go to your service and right-click. Go to properties and then go to on Log On tab. Check Allow service to interact with desktop checkbox. I hope it will work for you :) 

Sitecore CLI: Extend the Command Line Interface with NuGet

 Sitecore CLI: Extend the Command Line Interface with NuGet Sitecore Command Line Interface (CLI) allows console communication with a Sitecore instance.  Sitecore CLI allows adding commands by writing custom plugins. Sitecore provides some plugins like Publishing and Serialization. The purpose of this blog is to create a simple Sitecore CLI plugin which will print any message which you pass as parameter or print a default message. Sitecore CLI Document Sitecore Command Line Interface Prerequisites .Net Core Code Repository GitHub Usages dotnet sitecore plugin [subcommand] [options] Below are some subcommands: init subcommand add subcommand remove subcommand list subcommand Create a custom CLI plugin command Create a blank new Solution “CustomCLI” in Visual Studio, then add a class library with .Net core 3.1 with the name “CLI.DevEX.Extensibility.Custom”. PackageSources node contains all package sources. Plugin sources need to be specified in Nuget.Config, Local package source will take

WOW Got My first Sitecore Technology MVP Award

The Sitecore MVP Award celebrates the most active Sitecore community members from around the world who provide valuable online and offline expertise that enriches the community experience and makes a difference. I am pleased to announce that I have been name a " Most Valuable Professional (MVP) " by Sitecore. After working for more than 6+ years in Sitecore it was really exciting to achieve this milestone which was my dream.  I am really thankful to everyone who has supported me in this journey and guided me. More details about the Sitecore MVP Program you can find here    

Sitecore Powershell Script to Update Datasource Path In Final Rendering

Sitecore Powershell Script to Update Datasource Path In Final Rendering  In project, there was a requirement to update datasource for specific rendering so to update the rendering datasource I wrote below PowerShell script.   Function Change-RenderingDatasourceInAllPages{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$PagesRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Placeholder, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$DataSourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$ItemId ) $pages = @(get-item $PagesRoot) $pages += @(get-childitem -Path $PagesRoot -Recurse) $defaultLayout = Get-LayoutDevice "Default" foreach($page in $pages) { Get-Rendering -Item $page -Device $defaultLayout -FinalLayout -Placeholder $Placeholder | ForEach { if($_.ItemID -eq $ItemId) { $_.Datasource=$DataSourcePath Set-Rendering -Item $page -Instance $_ -FinalLayout:$True

Sitecore 10.2 ERROR: Container is unhealthy

 Error: Sitecore 10.2 ERROR: Container is unhealthy Solution: I resolved this issue by using below steps: Run docker-compose stop on Powershell. Run docker-compose down on Powershell. Run iisreset /stop on Powershell. Then run docker-compose up -d on Powershell.

Sitecore 10.2 Installation Error : "Error response from daemon: Unrecognised volume spec: file '\\.\pipe\docker_engine' cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform"

Error:  Sitecore 10.2 Installation Error: "Error response from daemon: Unrecognised volume spec: file '\\.\pipe\docker_engine' cannot be mapped. Only directories can be mapped on this platform" with Docker Solution: I have resolved this issue by turning off the option in Docker Desktop settings or use the CLI command docker-compose disable-v2 . This error usually comes when using Docker Compose V2