Understanding Sitecore Kick User Tool Sitecore allows a restricted number of content author logins. The user licensing process in Sitecore is straightforward: every user logging into the Sitecore Client consumes a licensing slot, and the number of concurrent users must not exceed the allowed limit based on your license. Once it reaches the maximum limit, Sitecore will redirect the content author to "https://WEBSITE//sitecore/client/Applications/LicenseOptions/KickUser.aspx" page. What is a Sitecore Content Author Login Limitation? To verify the Sitecore content author login limit, please adhere to the steps provided below: Open License.xml file Search ‘SiteCore.EditorUser’ in the License file Check <count> tag. KickUser.aspx Once the user reaches the maximum number of allowed users, it will be redirected KickUser.aspx page. On KickUser.aspx you will able to perform below two options: 1. Kick off a user from Sitecore Once you will click on the "Kick off user...