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Sitecore 9 Dynamic CRM Connector: Custom pipeline to filter contacts (Part 4)

Sitecore 9 Dynamic CRM Connector: Custom pipeline to filter contacts (Part 4)

Part 3Sitecore 9 Dynamic CRM Connector: Sync Known contacts (Part 3)

As per my requirement, I had multiple Sitecore 9 Forms, in each form I am saving contacts in xDB but I want to sync contacts to CRM which is submitted by a specific form.To fulfil this requirement, I have created custom model & facet and according to custom facets, I have applied logic that only those contact will be sync which contact has the custom model. Also, I have created a pipeline to get the required properties.

Step 1: Create custom pipeline template

  •        Navigate to this location “/sitecore/templates/Data Exchange/Framework/Pipeline Steps” and create new template
o   Template :/sitecore/templates/Data Exchange/Framework/Pipeline Steps/Base Pipeline Steps/Base Pipeline Step
o   Item Name: Custom Filter Pipeline Step
  •      Add IterableDataLocation field:
o   Name: IterableDataLocation
o   Type: DropLink
o   ID: {DD61BBDB-CF41-40F6-9923-3031C7AB47C8}
o   Shared: true
  •       Add DataLocation field:
o   Name: DataLocation
o   Type: DropLink
o   ID: {DD61BBDB-CF41-40F6-9923-3031C7AB47C8}
                     o   Shared: true
  •       Add ContactFacetsToRead field:
o   Name: ContactFacetsToRead
o   Type: DropTree
o   ID: {D6E7B01E-9E17-4237-AEE9-05EBFD1DF9D2}
o   Shared: true

  •  In standard value select below default values:

Step 2: Create custom plugin

  •      Navigate to Visual studio and create custom class “ReadFacetSettings”
 using Sitecore.DataExchange;  
 namespace Namespace.Plugins  
 public class ReadFacetSettings : IPlugin  
     public string FacetNames  

Step 3: Create custom processor “CustomFilterPipelineStepConverter”

 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Attributes;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Converters.PipelineSteps;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Models;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Plugins;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Repositories;  
 using Sitecore.Foundation.Forms.Custom.Pipelines.Plugins;  
 using Sitecore.Services.Core.Model;  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 namespace Namespace.Converters  
   [SupportedIds(new string[]  
   public class CustomFilterPipelineStepConverter : BasePipelineStepConverter  
     public CustomFilterPipelineStepConverter(IItemModelRepository repository) : base(repository)  
     protected override void AddPlugins(ItemModel source, PipelineStep pipelineStep)  
       this.AddDataLocationSettingsPlugin(source, pipelineStep);  
       this.AddReadEntitySettings(source, pipelineStep);  
     private void AddDataLocationSettingsPlugin(ItemModel source, PipelineStep pipelineStep)  
       Guid guidValue = base.GetGuidValue(source, "DataLocation");  
       Guid guidValue2 = base.GetGuidValue(source, "IterableDataLocation");  
       pipelineStep.AddPlugin<IterateDataSettings>(new IterateDataSettings  
         DataLocation = guidValue,  
         IterableDataLocation = guidValue2  
     protected virtual void AddReadEntitySettings(ItemModel source, PipelineStep pipelineStep)  
       ReadFacetSettings readEntitySettings = new ReadFacetSettings();  
       IEnumerable<ItemModel> referencesAsModels = base.GetReferencesAsModels(source, "ContactFacetsToRead");  
       if (referencesAsModels != null)  
         foreach (ItemModel current in referencesAsModels)  
           string stringValue = base.GetStringValue(current, "FacetName");  
           readEntitySettings.FacetNames = stringValue;  

Step 4: Create custom processor “CustomFilterPipelineStepProcessor”

 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Attributes;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Contexts;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Models;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Plugins;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Processors.PipelineSteps;  
 using Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Models;  
 using Sitecore.Foundation.Forms.Custom.Pipelines.Plugins;  
 using Sitecore.Services.Core.Diagnostics;  
 using System;  
 using System.Collections;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 namespace Namespace.Processors  
   [RequiredPipelineStepPlugins(new Type[]  
   public class CustomFilterPipelineStepProcessor : BasePipelineStepProcessor  
     protected override bool CanStartProcessing(PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)  
       if (pipelineStep.GetPlugin<IterateDataSettings>().DataLocation == Guid.Empty)  
         this.Log(new Action<string>(logger.Error), pipelineContext, "No data location is specified.", Array.Empty<string>());  
         return false;  
       return true;  
     protected override void ProcessPipelineStep(PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)  
       IEnumerable iterableData = this.GetIterableData(pipelineStep, pipelineContext, logger);  
       if (iterableData == null)  
         this.Log(new Action<string>(logger.Debug), pipelineContext, "Iterable data is null.", Array.Empty<string>());  
       ReadFacetSettings facetPlugin = pipelineStep.GetPlugin<ReadFacetSettings>();  
       if (facetPlugin == null || facetPlugin.FacetNames==null)  
         this.Log(new Action<string>(logger.Debug), pipelineContext, "Contact Facets To Read is null.", Array.Empty<string>());  
       List<EntityModel> list = iterableData.Cast<EntityModel>().ToList();  
       List<EntityModel> filterList = new List<EntityModel>();  
       foreach (var data in list)  
         if (data.Facets.Keys.Any(x => x == facetPlugin.FacetNames))  
       IterableDataSettings newPlugin = new IterableDataSettings(filterList);  
     protected virtual IEnumerable GetIterableData(PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)  
       IterateDataSettings plugin = pipelineStep.GetPlugin<IterateDataSettings>();  
       return this.GetObjectFromPipelineContext(plugin.IterableDataLocation, pipelineContext, logger) as IEnumerable;  

Step 5: Create custom pipeline

  •      Add the following item.
o   Template: /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/XXX/Pipelines/xConnect Contacts to Dynamics Sync Pipelines/Read Contacts from xConnect Pipeline/Custom Filter Pipeline Step
o   Item Name: Custom Filter Pipeline Step

  •       Navigate to “ContactFacetsToRead” field and select custom facet]
  •       Update Converter Type and Processor Type field

Step 6: Run Batch

  •       Now run “xConnect Contacts to Dynamics Sync” batch
Next article will be about "Scheduled Pipeline Batches"


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